Monica over at "Life Happenings and Sometimes Scrappin'!" tried Shaklee's Scour Off scouring paste on her oven and look at the results. Have I convinced you yet about how wonderful this stuff is?! Lol! :) People just rave and rave about it! I can't live without it!
Having fun cleaning!!!
No really!! I am having fun trying my new Shaklee products out!! I first heard about Shaklee at this blog that I like to visit! Soon after I started reading her blog a cousin of Joe's, Rachel, posted on Facebook that she was selling Shaklee. I asked her for a sample of Basic H and loved it! It's all organic and smells good! My favorite product is the Scour off!!! It's made of cherry pits and it's amazing!! I have used it on my shower, oven and sink! I hated cleaning my shower and with this product it's so easy and my shower is honestly cleaner than ever before. I took some pictures of my oven. I am embarassed to show you the befores but here they are.

And now after!! My oven is old so there was stuff in between the glass I could not get to.

Thanks Rachel! I have some before and after pictures of my sink to post using the Nature Bright.